Expect Victory — IRENE

Producer: Brannon Bowers
Music Director: Mona Seyed-Bolorforosh
Stage Manager: Francis Brenner

Developmental Workshop and Demo Recording
Written by Kristoffer Diaz & Rona Siddiqui
Directed by Jaime Castañeda
Produced by the American Music Theatre Project

Expect Victory is a new musical currently being developed by book writer Kristoffer Diaz (Pulitzer Prize finalist), composer Rona Siddiqui (A Strange Loop on Broadway, MD), and director Jaime Castañeda (La Jolla, Princess Grace Award). Cardinal State University Basketball has been mediocre for a long, long time. Senior Maxfield Chase has a feeling that there must be a better way for them to play, but doesn’t want to rock the boat. He meets Irene, a trainer and pre-med student who lives for boat rocking, and the two go on a mission to change the game (and the world) through the use of advanced statistical analysis. The show looks at the unexpected intersections between athletics, analytics, and interpersonal relationships. (Blurb adapted from American Music Theatre Project and Orchard Project materials).

With the American Music Theatre Project, the Expect Victory team spent two weeks workshopping the first act of the script as well as recording demos for the continued development of the project. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the entire process was conducted and performed virtually, using Zoom and Logic recording.


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