As You Like It (Taub) — PHOEBE

Choreography: Kasey Alfonso
Music Direction: Kevin Park
Production Stage Manager: Via Greene
Asst. Director: Talia Hartman-Sigall
Stage Managers: Rachel Olkin and Lauren Nishi

Virginia Wadsworth Wirtz Center for the Performing Arts
Adapted by Shaina Taub and Laurie Woolery
Music and Lyrics by Shaina Taub
Directed by Jessica Fisch

As You Like It is an immersive dream-like tale of faithful friends, feuding families and lovers in disguise. Forced from their homes, Orlando, Duke Senior, his daughter Rosalind and niece Celia escape to the Forest of Arden, a fantastical place of transformation, where all are welcomed and embraced. Amongst the Ardenites are lovelorn shepherd Silvia and the scornful object of her affection, Phoebe. Lost amidst the trees, the refugees find community and acceptance under the stars. (Adapted from the Concord Theatricals summary).

Production photos by Justin Barbin.


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