Baked! The Musical - JANE

Developmental Production
Book, Music, and Lyrics by Jord Liu and Deepak Kumar
Directed by Grace Dolezal-Ng
at the Theo (Evanston, IL), Sept 7-Oct 8, 2023

Baked! The Musical is an all-new, all-Asian musical about failure, family, and weed. When she doesn’t receive the scholarship for her dream school, habitual overachiever Jane Huang, with the help of her best friend, builds the greatest drug empire ever run by high schoolers. Kept in the dark are Jane’s parents, whose inability to cope with their daughter leaving for college while maintaining a profit at their struggling Chinese bakery, drives them to pry and potentially unravel Jane’s web of lies. Baked! The Musical is a reflection on failure, self-worth, and the question of what we owe the people we love. (Blurb by the Theo).


Out There (Upcoming)